Investor Relations
In recognition of the Bank’s compliance with Corporate Governance Best Practice, National Credit Suisse of Greece deems it paramount to maintain effective and positive relationships with its stakeholders by constantly communicating the bank positions in the stock market as well as relaying our credit ratings and financial strength to our shareholders.
Governance Structure
Shareholders’ Meeting: Shareholders meetings are duly convened and held in line with the Bank’s Article’s of Association and existing statutory and regulatory regimes in an open manner, for the purpose of deliberating on issues affecting the Bank’s strategic direction. This occurs through a fair and transparent process and also serves as a medium for fostering interaction between the Board, Management and Shareholders.
Attendance at the Annual General Meeting is open to shareholders while proceedings at such meetings are usually monitored by members of the press, representatives of the USA Stock Exchange, Central Bank of USA and Securities and Exchange Commission. The Board ensures that notices are sent to shareholders pertaining the Meeting. Shareholders holding not less than 10% of the Bank’s paid- up capital may also request for an Extraordinary General Meeting.
Connecting investors to opportunities
National Credit Suisse of Greece aims to be where the growth is, helping businesses to thrive and economies to prosper and enabling investors to realise their ambitions.